10 December 2010

8. december: Cursing vs swearing

Of course am I too late, but please forgive me: is rather busy with concerts and rehearsals.
So this post's theme is the difference between cursing and swearing. The inspiration for this came after reading "Happy Monkey's" post on the number 7 (read), which partly deals with magic ideas.
It may seem weird that I'm writing about cursing and swearing in my Christmas-calendar, but I have my reasons :p
So what is the difference? A curse is connected to a some sort of magic belief, that you may wish someone harm and they will receive it in tenfold. Some curses are indeed funny and fascinating, while others can make you look more than once over your shoulder.
Here are some fascinating examples:

*May you swallow a fishbone whilst 
eating sushi!
*May you try your luck at rollerskating,
while descending the stairs!
*May the desert winds blow a 
pissed off scorpion up your undershorts.
*May the lamb of God stir 
his hoof through the roof 
of heaven and kick you in 
the arse to hell.

May you be afflicted with the itch
and have no nails to scratch with!
Swearing on the other hand is not necessarily connected to religious belief, 
 and can often take the form of just rude words.
While a curse can be a fascinating use of words,
 is swearing almost always very filthy,
 obscene and using a totally other set of words than a curse would have.

1 comment:

Steve said...

I liked the one about the scorpion haha That's interesting about the difference between those, I always use those two words interchangeably and never thought of any difference between them.