28 January 2015

The life of the teacher

It has been a long time since I wrote something here, and I've felt a bit guilty not doing so.
There are two reasons for this:

  1. Writing is my form of therapy when I have no one else to turn to. So quite a bit has been bottled up since my last post...not at all healthy
  2. I don't have many readers, and it was never my intention to have so. But those who know and then stumble upon my blog deserves something new now and then.
The first few months as a teacher has been tough. Yup, I admit it. But they have also been rewarding in the most peculiar ways. 
I'm in charge for 11 pupils between 11 and 13 years old, and some of them struggle in different subjects. It is my job and and my privilege to show  them a different way to knowledge. Every child learn in its own specialized way, and my it's hard to accommodate that sometimes. I've been sleepless several nights pondering the different difficulties and trouble in my class. I've been running breathless, and may I say: unprepared, to class and still being able to smile and give them a good time. 
Sometimes being a teacher is like being an improvisational actor...you have to react there and then...a second later will be to late.

So I think this picture sums it all up...