9 January 2011

Corsets; a vice for life

As you may have noticed already, I love corsets.
Many people have asked me why I submit to wearing of these pieces of clothing, and let us be honest, is not the most comfortable thing I could have worn. It limits my ability to move, and prevents me from breathing. Most people would surely say that it is wrong to inflict pain, even on ourselves, but the positive sides outweighs the bad one.

*This is one of the few feminine things I can wear and still be proud of myself. I've never been a fan of skirts or anything that makes me over-feminine. Wearing corsets present a strong, and independent woman in my place. It may be an act, but it is an act I'm willing to play.

*Corsets fits my fiery personality, and they give me a chance to stick out a little bit in the crowd. I hate when people just follow the leader of the herd, without a thought for themselves. I believe in individuality, and a little madness.

*And what a sensation it is to be lazed up! It is almost indescribable. Every breath matters, and in my case I can feel every look when I pass by. I'm not used to attention like that, so it is an interesting experiment to be part of. And un-lazing is just as amazing ^^

So if anybody has anything against me wearing corsets; keep your mouth closed. Because this is my life, and my vice.

7 January 2011

A literary chance

Have you ever seen a book and said to yourself that "this book I'm going to read"? Many bookshelves are filled with books not even opened, and lately I've been reminded about all the books I once started on, but never finished and all the classics I should have read.
Well, now my chance has come through the course I'm taking this semester; "British Literature and Culture"
And what a coincidence; since I promised myself to read more this year and also be able to read to relax. And maybe my curriculum and lectures would be perfect just for this simple reason.

I have always been told that I'm a rather energetic person. Being like that may prove an advantage some times, but it also means I can burn myself up so to speak. A balance is what I need, and luckily I don't need to worry about my bachelordegree anymore, since I finished it last month. So time to enjoy the fruits of British literature to the fullest.

My curriculum covers both prose, poems and plays, and I decided to start with the plays. And what a revelation I had! I felt like a kid again, living the characters, and I must have disturbed my brother a little, walking round in my room, talking loudly to myself. But I will have to do that with all the books, since I have no other chance to stay properly focused while reading. I've re-discovered Shakespeare through "The Tempest", laughed while reading "The importance of being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde, been confused and utterly intrigued by "Endgame", signed Samuel Beckett and will now try my luck with "Blasted" by Sarah Kane.

The next group I will deal with are the poems, and I've decided that when I find a poem is this collection of a certain value and importance to me, or even my friends, I will share it with you here.
And I will work chronologically, so here you are: "Batter my heart" by John Donne

Batter my heart, three-person'd God ; for you
As yet but knock ; breathe, shine, and seek to mend ;
That I may rise, and stand, o'erthrow me, and bend
Your force, to break, blow, burn, and make me new.
I, like an usurp'd town, to another due,
Labour to admit you, but O, to no end.
Reason, your viceroy in me, me should defend,
But is captived, and proves weak or untrue.
Yet dearly I love you, and would be loved fain,
But am betroth'd unto your enemy ;
Divorce me, untie, or break that knot again,
Take me to you, imprison me, for I,
Except you enthrall me, never shall be free,
Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me. 
My revels now are ended, as they say...hope you will like to follow me on this literary trip

5 January 2011

Some news

Well, hello again and a happy new year to you all. It's the 5th January today, and outside my window I can see people trying to stay on their feet on the very icy pavement, now also covered with water. Oh, what a funny combination. I shouldn't be talking, since I had a rather rough meeting with it yesterday...in my kilt.
I was walking home, and suddenly my feet went in two different directions, and I got to see the world from a horizontal point of view. Thankfully there was very few who could this humiliating event, and I thank the God up high (if he exists, he have a rather nasty kind of humor) for NOT following the ONE rule concerning kilt-wear this morning...

This morning I woke up to some rather interesting news: "Celtic FC wants to get Erik Huseklepp" I didn't think about it for a while, since the rumors of his transfer have been buzzing for years. But slowly I understood that one of sons of Bergen (he plays for Brann, the one team that unites the city) probably is going to get sold to Celtic, my favourite Scottish team. My thoughts were clashing into eachother; I really wanted him to stay in Bergen, but he's such a talent, and when thinking about it: Celtic is a good choice. I'm just happy that some lousy, far-away team wouldn't snatch him away.
So overall, I'm a little sad, but also really happy for him.

And now for the big, wonderful, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious news:

Yes, I've managed, with some help from my little sister, to convince my parents that they should see Dublin at least. So off we go the 16th june, and after the 20th it is just me, my little sister and the open road for 2 whole weeks. I'm literally buzzing with expectation, and is so looking forward to making the plans.
The things is that when we're in Dublin, I will be in charge, and the guide ^^
But one place I hope to visit this time, is Cork/Cobh to remember those who emigrated away from hunger and destitution. To honour those who made up my bachelorthesis last year.

And one last thing: I will this semester be studying English literature and culture :)

Charles Dickens