9 January 2011

Corsets; a vice for life

As you may have noticed already, I love corsets.
Many people have asked me why I submit to wearing of these pieces of clothing, and let us be honest, is not the most comfortable thing I could have worn. It limits my ability to move, and prevents me from breathing. Most people would surely say that it is wrong to inflict pain, even on ourselves, but the positive sides outweighs the bad one.

*This is one of the few feminine things I can wear and still be proud of myself. I've never been a fan of skirts or anything that makes me over-feminine. Wearing corsets present a strong, and independent woman in my place. It may be an act, but it is an act I'm willing to play.

*Corsets fits my fiery personality, and they give me a chance to stick out a little bit in the crowd. I hate when people just follow the leader of the herd, without a thought for themselves. I believe in individuality, and a little madness.

*And what a sensation it is to be lazed up! It is almost indescribable. Every breath matters, and in my case I can feel every look when I pass by. I'm not used to attention like that, so it is an interesting experiment to be part of. And un-lazing is just as amazing ^^

So if anybody has anything against me wearing corsets; keep your mouth closed. Because this is my life, and my vice.

1 comment:

Steve said...

The one with the green top is so hot! This is a good thing to have as a vice I think :)