1 February 2011

The future and the present

I'm terribly sorry that I haven't written anything in almost a month here, but I hope you can you excuse me when you hear my reasons:
  • A new semester has started, and it will indeed be the most busy one during my time in the University of Bergen. Taking a course in British literature and culture, which means I have no less than 13 books. but I'm not complaining. Finally did I get a chance to read something less academic ^^ the other subject I'm taking deals with the different cultures of Europe with focus on Spain, Italy, Russia, Great Britain, Germany and France. A keyword would be 'identity' and how this has developed itself in the different cultures. So far have I only had lectures in French and German matters, but I find it really fascinating.

  • I've fallen in love! Yes, this can sound a little bit cheesy, but it seems that 2011 will turn out to be a pretty good year (it have proven to be exactly that so far). I was sick of hunting, so I decided to focus on my studies...and guess what? This guy falls into my lap (metaphorically), and things are moving pretty fast now. The chemistry between us are amazing, and we have a good effect on eachother. He's more positive and active than before, and he has a very relaxing effect on me. I manage to think one thought at the time, and I can breath. Silence has once more entered my life, and I think I can say that I'm truly happy for the first time in ages.
Even and me at Burns Supper
  •  I've mentioned it before, and I will mention it again: I'm going back to Ireland this summer. And since I'm the planning kind-of-girl, I have thought, pondered, made plans, thrown them away and retrieved them from the garbagebin. So far have my sister and me checked out our possibilities; time, places and people. The plan was to go couchsurfing which we both have good experiences with. We also hope to be able to meet some our penpals while we travel the island. There's still much to be planned, but we've almost decided to go forth like this:
Dublin -> Cork -> Limerick -> Galway -> Derry -> Belfast -> Dublin.  Do you think that will be possible in 2 weeks time?

  • Last reason for my absence from here: I've been planning what to do next semester. And after many phonecalls, discussions and nervewrecking nights I've decided what courses I will apply for. 1st choice will be a  bachelor in Drama in Volda where my big sister lives, 2nd choice is music at the same place and 3rd is teacher-studies there too...so I guess you have figured it out: I'm leaving Bergen this fall. It will be a big change, but I need to get away and do something other than academic subjects...I need to take some risks...

My revels now are ended....take care until we meet at the next crossroad

1 comment:

Steve said...

I already knew most of this from your letter, but that's big news about moving away from Bergen too! :D I'll have to ask you about the new place you'll be moving when I write back.