12 October 2014

To you

One moment I feel like a balloon ready to burst, and in the next I feel as empty as empty as emptiness itself. Alive and dead at the same time, hot and cold. But all I know within this mixture of sensations is that I love you more dearly than anything or anyone I have ever loved before. You make me feel whole, like you were the last piece of the puzzle they call "Life".
Thank you for being who you are, thank you for being mine.

23 July 2014

Back in business

Long time no see...but now I'm back to conquer the world.
Moved into my new apartment yesterday after a long and tedious busdrive from Bergen where I have spent my vacation this year. I have so much to do before I start work in August at the sweetest Waldorf School; Aalesund Waldorf School. Plenty of furniture to click back together, so when I'm finished and settled I can finally be a couchsurferhost again. Really missed it.

But it's time for an update. In the last 2 months I've passed all my exams with flying colors nonetheless, spent the summer with my familiy and not in Ireland, and moved to Aalesund to start my new life here. Going to be a norwegian-, english-, history and religion-teacher....big butterflies are flying around in my mind, and I'm a tiny bit scared too....A big change in my life is about to happen: I'm turning from student into an independent, adult, responsible woman. Hopefully it will bring many wonderful things into my life.

And now: I'm going to explore my new hometown

9 May 2014

Avoiding my deadlines and exams

14 April 2014


Ok I have to spill the beans....I've got my first proper, longterm teacher job!!!!! And even better: at a Waldorf School
Going to be teaching plenty of subjects, be the classteacher for 6-8th grade, a do what I have been dreaming about for ages
Today I feel blessed :D

Wonder what will happen next....

17 March 2014

Dear Ireland

I'm writing this because you have earned it. You've earned in the most peculiar ways a place in my heart. Deep within me there must be a drop of some irish (perhaps green) blood, that have turned my life upside down.
It started with something innocent, just a melody from a fiddle. And the seed was planted, I was hooked. So your melody led me unto a path I could not see the magnitude of. 13 years after that melody, I'm still wandering along that road with nothing to lead me but my heart. And at every bend, I've discovered something new. Some things wonderful, some things that makes me feel ashamed, some things makes me angry and some makes me laugh and smile.
Why, Ireland, have you captured my heart? With your history, your language, culture, music and people. Are you secretly trying to make me into an Irish woman?

Any ways: thanks for the company so far and happy St Patricks Day

6 February 2014


Introducing the new Bio-Optical Organized Knowledge device, trade named B.O.O.K.

BOOK is a revolutionary breakthrough in technology; no wires, no electric circuits, no batteries, nothing to be connected or switched on. It's so easy to use, even a child can operate it. Compact and portable, it can be used anywhere -- even sitting in an armchair by the fire -- yet it is powerful enough to hold as much information as a CD-ROM disc.

Here's how it works.

BOOK is constructed of sequentially numbered sheets of paper (recyclable), each capable of holding thousands of bits of information. The pages are locked together with a custom fit device called a binder which keeps the sheets in their correct sequence. Opaque Paper Technology (OPT) allows manufacturers to use both sides of the sheet, doubling the information density and cutting costs. Experts are divided on the prospects for further increases in information density; for now, BOOKs with more information simply use more pages. Each sheet is scanned optically, registering information directly into your brain.
A flick of the finger takes you to the next sheet.

BOOK may be taken up at any time and used merely by opening it.

BOOK never crashes or requires rebooting, though like other devices, it can become damaged if coffee or soda is spilled on it, and it becomes unusable if dropped too many times on a hard surface. The browse feature allows you to move instantly to any sheet and to move forward or backward as you wish.

Many come with an index feature which pinpoints the exact location of selected information for instant retrieval.

A Manually Accessed Retrieval Knickknack (MARK) allows users to open BOOK to the exact place they left off in a previous session - even if BOOK has been closed. BOOKmarks fit universal design standards; thus, a single BOOKmark can be used in BOOKs by various manufacturers. Conversely, numerous BOOKmarks can be used in a single BOOK if the user wants to store numerous views at once. The number is limited only by the number of pages in a BOOK.

Portable, durable, and affordable, BOOK is being hailed as a precursor of a new entertainment wave.

BOOK's appeal seems so certain that thousands of content creators have committed to the platform and investors are reportedly flocking to invest. In some areas, entire buildings are constructed to house BOOKs for public access. Look for a flood of new titles soon.