4 December 2010

3. December - Tea

Tea is indeed a wonderful thing. A cup of tea sometimes makes the world more agreeable, and as an amateur singer I know the power of a big cup of gingertea with some lemon and honey in it. December is definitely a month for us tea-drinkers, with its cold, gusty wind whistling around the corner of the houses, the early darkness and the occasional snow. It warms up both mind and body, and as they say: Many a good discussion is to be found in a cup of tea.
It's like the warm liquid loosen the tongue, and make anything a subject of discussion. It makes life bearable. 
So here's today's proverb:

There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea.  ~Bernard-Paul Heroux
So please take a cup with a friend you haven't talked to for some while, and feel the effect

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