17 October 2009

A laughter a day....or more

A good laughter is as good as any training, so there's really something in the saying "a laughter a day keeps the doctor away"
So here we go, some good Irish jokes:

An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman were taking an intelligence test. They were all asked The question: "Which bird does not build its own nest?'
'It's The canary,' said The Englishman. 'He lives in a cage.'
'It's The parrot,' said The Scotsman. 'He lives in The zoo.'
'It's The cuckoo,' said The Irishman.
'Very good,' said The examiner, 'how did you know that?'
'Everybody knows The cuckoo lives in a clock,' said The Irishman.

The newly wed Free Presbyterian entered the bridal suite and found his new bride lounging in a negligee on top of the duvet.
'I had hoped that I would find you on your knees by the side of the bed, dear, he said disapprovingly.
'Well, I will if you want me to, but I always get the hiccups doing it that way, said the bride.

The American tourist was walking around the cathedral admiring the architecture.
'Are you enjoying your visit to Ireland?' asked a young priest.
'Very much, Father, but I can't get on with the whiskey it's far too strong for me,' said the Yank.
'Why so?' asked the priest.
'Well, I got drunk on it on Saturday night and crashed out unconscious. Sunday morning I woke at 5 a.m. bright as a button. I went to 6 o'clock mass, 7 o'clock mass, 8 o'clock, nine, ten and eleven o'clock mass. Then I went to afternoon Rosary, sermon, Stations of the Cross and Benediction!'
'So what's wrong with that?' asked the priest.
'I'm a Protestant!' said the tourist.

'What was all the crashing and banging?' asked Mulligan.
'The train ran over a cow,' said the ticket collector.
'Was it on the line?' said Mulligan.
'No, we had to chase it up the embankment but we got it eventually,' said the railman.

Have fun!

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