7 March 2010

Memory of good old times

 Per Langhelle 1945-2010

Today I will tell you about my uncle. He was the greatest uncle anybody could have; he was funny, serious, had always time for a chat, and his heart burned for his family, friends and his hometown. I will always remember the Christmas-parties with the enormous turkeys, where my uncle and my father always sang something by their favorite song-composer; Evert Taube. The way they told the story Fritiof in Arkadien; they gave life to every word and every note. Another great memory from these parties was the games after the famous dinner. We have a tradition in our family, that once a year we play this game called "animal, mineral or plant" (almost similar to 20 questions, just with no limit), and my uncle always got the tricky ones to figure out. Once he had to guess his way to the lost finger of Boris Jeltsin, another time he got the left eyeglass of Yassir Arafat. So it has never been easy. But somehow he managed them all. 

My father and my uncle were both alike, but also different. They were like Yin and Yang,  they complemented each other. Who can forget the speeches they held at each others  60-years birthday-parties? They knew how to get people in a good mood, and my uncle was especially good at putting a smile on people's  faces.
He always had a joke up his sleeve. If there ever was a moment of awkward silence, he would break the spell with a witty comment or even just a smile!

I will remember him as a good person, a friend, and a terrific uncle. He will be sorely missed by his loving family, friends and the city as a whole.

We will never forget you

Rest in peace

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