3 March 2011

The best solution

My watch is telling me that it is 02:36, and that I should have gone to bed hours ago. So why am I still up? There's a simple reason for this: I work best in the middle of the night, believe it or not. Well, not only that...I have a meeting with my teacher in Italian history tomorrow to discuss my paper about Italian identity, and guess what my ancient computer managed to do earlier today? Delete all that I had written! This meant that I had to start from scratch again. So after a breakdown, I went to work. I had a big pot of homemade Irish coffee by my side + some pineapples in slices (yes, I can get addicted to ANYTHING) and soon I was calm enough to hear my own thoughts.
So here what's works for me while working on a paper:
*a possibility to stay up all night
*some Irish music

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