23 April 2010

Between history's pages

I have always been told that history is important, and while checking todays headlines I realize that history really repeat itself. But why? Is it because we take no notice of it and when things go wrong we come forward being all concerned about it. We learn after the fatality has been done, we dare not look through history's pages to see for the signs, to look for resolutions. We fear to be left behind, to be old and uncool. We want to be innovative, come up with new brilliant ideas 24/7 and the world rushes of with no chance of sleep or thought. Have we become puppets, without memories of the past? A past that has the tools for us to build a better world. But we choose to close our eyes and pretend that everything is alright. Hear no evil, see no evil, do no evil...wait, while being ignorant of our own history, we commit crimes to our souls.
I'm not saying that we must stare us blind on the time gone by, but we cannot keep ignoring it either. It's like ghosts: they always come back to haunt us....

We must dare to look at the history, and use it as a tool to make better world in the future

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