14 April 2010


I work pretty bad when I'm stressed out, it just end with an outburst of rage, slamming of doors and sitting by the river for hours until the rage has cooled down. But when I have plenty of time, nothing works then either, because my mind is somewhat overruled, and the message that the brain should have had; "you have to do this NOW" never reaches it.
This is a bad tactic while writing something as important as a bachelorthesis, which should be academic, neutral and well-formulated. My thesis is FAR from this at the moment, since it resembles more a political manifest, in support of the Irish rebels, in their fight against the English tyranny, than a well-founded, neutral description of the Irish immigrants in New York and Boston 1850-1900. but heck, I'm enjoying it!
Am I avoiding the problem, or am I just lacking a solution?

1 comment:

ohjoana said...

As you I only work very well when I am stressed, I feel compelled to work and create and do a well-done job. When I am not stressed I feel I have the whole time of the world, and I start doing something but then stop, and get back to it again, and stop, and I never do something really good because I am not focused.

I saw your blog through interpals and I added you as a bookmark there. I am "http://www.interpals.net/noaguerra" and i have a blog too, I like to follow blogs and guess what read! Yes, yes I read blogs *ah ah* I am being sarcastic, since I think that most of the people don't spend time reading, they leave silly comments and left.

Much love and greetings from Portugal,
