17 November 2010

My funeral

I've lived 22 years so far, and I hope to live for many years to come. But my mind really like to ponder over things that shouldn't concern me, not now. Like my own funeral. No, I'm not suicidal, so you who read this don't need to mark a date in your calendar. The reason why I'm doing this, and especially why I've decided to write this post is simple: I'm a music lover, and from time to time do I find music that fits certain contexts and feelings.

I don't want my funeral to be all dark and dreary. I want it to remember who I was (of course I cannot know what I will do in the future, so making a plan now would be a total waste of time...)
Wait, I'm actually conjuring up a small plan here: music for my funeral
I don't want music that makes people sad...I hope the music they will play will be music that meant alot to me during my life. At this point is the list like this:

*Tir n`a Noir - Vamp

The reason I've chosen this is because it speaks of this mythical place, and I've always loved the Celtic myths and the histories about King Arthur and his knights. I don't believe in an afterlife like the Christians do, but the reassuring lyrics of this song means alot to me. All suffering (if there will be any for my part) will be over, and the dream takes over

*Irish Blessing

 My love for Ireland and the Irish will hopefully be an inspiration to others, and therefor will it weigh heavily when picking out my own funeralmusic. This prayer could and should speak to anyone with love for humanity, friends and family, despite religious affiliation. There is another tune to this, that I once sang with the school's choir, but I cannot find it on Youtube...I just put a copy of the musicsheet in my last will...


There will probably be an Irish core running through my life until the very end. and there is something about this song that echoes continuously in my soul and heart.
My brother is a singer, and if I depart from this world way too early (one can never know...I might be run over by a bus tomorrow..) I really hope he could sing this one.

*Schindlers list -theme - John Williams


Why did I pick this one? It's so sad...
Well, I'm a big admirer of the work by John Williams and how he uses the violin..I cannot describe it...
His music always brings forth the strength in the movie it's made for. And I though the theme for "Jaws" would be a bit too much...:p

*The Promise/The Heart asks Pleasure First - Michael Nyman

 Another beautiful piece of moviemusic.
Like Ada McGrath; I speak through music much better than with words (except written perhaps...)
It's like the melodyline never ends, it keeps going even when the player is gone, and the music is immortal...

Hope you liked my little collection, and if you have any suggestions to other kind of music that would fit such a situation, I'll be very happy to check it out

1 comment:

Steve said...

I think you are indeed too young to think of things like that, but it's nice to see that you would choose so much Irish music :) I like the Schindler's List theme a lot too.