2 February 2010

The Bermuda-triangle...in Bergen?

Well, as the headline says: stuff is disappearing in Bergen.
It is common knowledge that people lose things, and don't find them again. This happens to socks, keys and wallets. But yesterday, the problem took a whole new scale: A bus!
I was early down to the busstop, since I know that sometimes the bus is early and sometimes the bus is late (you can't really know for sure here in Bergen...)
It was snowing, and i started talking with some other passengers. We passed 1835, and bus hould have been there. But no, there was no sign of it. 5,10,15 and 20 minutes passed. and finally, a BUS (1900 now), and this is a bus who is in time. I ask the driver if he has seen the bus that should have been on the busstop 1835, but he says no. Noone had any clue where that bus was.
So therefor I'm asking: has the bermuda-triangle become the Bergen-triangle? And can we expect more disappearences?

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